quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2015

Special Women

Escola Municipal ____________________________________________
Ano: __________ Turno:________________ Turma:________
Professore regente:

TEMA: SpecialWomen
OBJETIVO GERAL:Adquirir conhecimentos sobre a relevante participação da mulher no processo de formação cultural e política brasileira bem como desenvolver conhecimentos linguísticos a partir dos gêneros texto informativo e biografia.

Objetivos específicos
Procedimentos metodológicos
Recursos didáticos

1.     Trabalhar leitura e compreensão do texto através da associação da figura com a palavra.

2.     Compreendero uso do PastSimple através do uso de biografias.
Past Simple;

O professor contextualiza dialogando com os alunos em relação ao fato de que na atualidade haver no cenário mundial bem como no brasileiro algumas mulheres que têm se destacado por feitos importantes para toda a sociedade do seu país e pergunta se saberiam mencionar uma que consideram especial e por que.
Logo após, o professor apresenta uma atividade contendo as imagens da presidente Dilma Rousseff e da cantora Carmem Miranda, na qual os alunos terão que indicar a alternativa correta em inglês sobre suas profissões, cidade e data de nascimento. Depois a o professor entrega um pequeno texto biográfico em inglês sobre cada uma das personagens citadas.
Após realizar a leitura das biografias o professor entrega uma atividade para preenchimento de espaços seguindo o modelo do texto biográfico apresentado; nesta atividade o aluno terá que escrever a palavra adequada para cada espaço.
Finalizada esta atividade, o professor informa que o aluno agora terá que eleger uma mulher especial em sua família (avó, mãe, irmã, tia) e fazer sua biografia utilizando as frases sugeridas dentro da atividade, seguindo os passos que aprenderam nesta aula. Caso os alunos não tenham as informações que precisam para adicionar a biografia da pessoa que escolheram, devem simular a realidade e preencher todos os requisitos.
If time:
O aluno desenha a mulher sobre a qual escolheu biografar.

Quadro, piloto, apagador e folhas de papel ofício com atividades.

Os alunos terão aprendido e serão capazes de reconhecer o gênero textual biografia em inglês bem como usos do verbo to be e outros verbos no passado



Carmen Miranda, 9 February 1909 – 5 August 1955) was a Portuguese Brazilian samba singer, dancer, Broadway actress, and film star who was popular from the 1930s to the 1950s.
In 1940, she made her first Hollywood film, Down Argentine Way, with Don Ameche and Betty Grable, her exotic clothing and Latin accent became her trademark. In the same year, she was voted the third most popular personality in the United States, and was invited to sing and dance for President Franklin Roosevelt, along with her group, Bando da Lua. Nicknamed "The Brazilian Bombshell", Carmen Miranda is noted for her signature fruit hat outfit she wore in her American films, particularly in 1943's The Gang's All Here. By 1945, she was the highest paid woman in the United States.

Dilma Vana Rousseff, born 14 December 1947) is the 36th and current President of Brazil. She is the first woman to hold the office. She was previously the Chief of Staff of the President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from 2005 to 2010.

In 2002, Rousseff joined the committee responsible for the energy policy of presidential candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who, after winning the election, invited her to become Minister of Energy. In 2005, a political crisis triggered by a corruption scandal led to the resignation of Chief of Staff José Dirceu. Rousseff took over the post, remaining in office until 31 March 2010, when she stepped down in order to run for president.  She was elected in a run-off on 31 October 2010, beating Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira (PSDB) candidate José Serra, and re-elected on 26 October 2014 with a narrow second round victory over Aécio Neves, also of the PSDB.
1-     Which of these statements are right?

A – Dilma Roussef was born on 22 September 1990, she is a very famous model, and previously she was the manager of Petrobras.

B – Dilma Roussef was born on 14 December 1947, she is the mayor of João Pessoa.
C – Dilma Roussef was born on 31 January 1965, she is the governor of Paraiba.
D – Dilma Roussef was born on 14 December 1947, she is the president of Brazil and previously she was the chief of staff of the president Lula.  
E – Dilma Roussef was born on 18 March 2015, she is chief of staff of the president Lula and previously she was the president of Brazil.

 A – Carmen Miranda was born on 23 August 1954, she was a baby sitter.

B – Carmen Miranda was born on 11 November 1994, she was a famous cook.
C – Carmen Miranda was born on 09 February 1909; she was a famous singer, dancer, actress and film star.

D – Carmen Miranda was born on 03 July 1900, she was a writer.
E – Carmen Miranda was born on 15 June 1990, she was a hair stylist.

2 - Fill in the gaps:

A – Born on 09 February 1909, Carmen Miranda _______ a very famous film star.
B – Dilma Roussef ____ known for ______ fight against the _________ dictatorship.
C – Both Dilma and Carmen Miranda ______  female icons to Brazilian people.    
D - In 1945, Carmen _____ the highest paid woman in the _________________.
E – In 2011, Dilma ______ elected president for the first _______.        

Are – was – is – United States – Brazilian – was – her – time – was.

3 – Last one:
Complete the biography text about some woman you think special. Compare with the biographies you saw.  
______________, born ______________. She is _____________. She was_________________________in____________.

In _________, she became_____________.

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