quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2015

Didactic sequences, critical literacy and multimodality in English language teaching at High School.

Juliana Barbosa dos SANTOS
Giuseppe Andrew Ferreira DANTAS
Felipe Adunbi Rocha NOVAES
supervising teacher
Angélica MAIA
Subproject coordinator

The PIBID Letras/Inglês project (English language course) developed by the Brazilian government at universities such as UFPB (Universidade Federal da Paraíba), gives English teachers in initial education the opportunity to teach first-year students in a public High School in João Pessoa. The critical literacy approach (JORDÃO, 2013; MENEZES DE SOUZA, 2011), adopted by the PIBID Letras/Inglês project, intendsto work with literacy practices during the lessons, which might help students to develop discourse skills and critical reading. The English language works as an extra tool for critical literacy development, since the students are exposed to a foreign language and its contexts of use in addition to their own reality. In the classroom, students are exposed to ideological speeches that should be noticed, problematized and rethought. This approach is still new to English language teaching; however, it meets the prospects of national legal frameworks as the Curriculum Guidelines for High School - OCEM (BRAZIL, 2006), which supports a social-interaction perspective on foreign language teaching, promoting social inclusion and active citizenship. Based on these concepts, this work aims to present the development of two didactic sequences based on critical literacy (DOLZ, NOVERRAZ E SCHNEUWLY, 2001). They were developed and implemented with multimodal materials (HERBELE, 2013) by the teachers in initial education (interns) properly guided and supervised. The lesson plans that make up the two didactic sequences were analyzed in order to find and highlight the main aspects of the Critical literacy as the relationship between content and context, development of multimodal materials, critical reading of genres and activities that focus on citizenship education.

Keywords: English language, didactic sequence; critical literacy; multimodality; PIBID Letras-Inglês

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